Saying Goodbye to Therapy

In a few weeks I’ll be moving across the country and so I had to say goodbye to my therapist this week. It was kind of nerve-wracking to decide, after almost a year, to stop. But my doctor was 100% on board.

We talked through everything I learned, how far I’ve come, and what’s next for me. She asked me if I feel like I’m going to be okay without her. I said yes, she said she thinks so too.

I’ve come a long way in the past year. When I went into therapy I felt stuck, I couldn’t communicate my feelings, and I had no hope for my future. I couldn’t focus, I barely slept, and I ate like crap.

Since then, I have come out to my parents, I’ve left behind the things and the people that sucked the joy and energy from my life, and I am moving on in a new city.

I could not be more thrilled for what comes next and I think I’m going to be just fine.

Mental Health, About meZoe Loza