Embracing My Life

When I returned from my road trip, I settled into a bit of a depression. I had spent six weeks living my dream. I was traveling, I was taking photos, and I was capturing some of the best video of my life. I was in love with everything around me.

When I returned home, it was like life just went back to normal. Everything I learned about myself, every little change I had made just melted away and I reverted back to the person I was before: stuck.

I’ve spent so much of my life looking forward. What do I need to do today, to make sure tomorrow is better? But I’ve never actually reached tomorrow. There’s always something new to pursue. And while it’s great to have ambition and goals, I let it consume me.

I have never lived to enjoy the moment. But that’s changing now and I want to document the process, partially to hold myself accountable, but also in case you feel the same way and don’t know where to start.

It’s been three months since I’ve been back from the trip and I’ve slowly started to make improvements over the past few weeks. I reorganized my room. I’ve started dating. I’m just trying to get out and experience things more. Set down roots. Make friends. Living my life instead of dreaming about the life I wish I had.

Mental Health, About meZoe Loza